Learn to use GemPy!
To introduce you into geological modeling with GemPy, we have created a set of Jupyter notebooks which serve as interactive tutorials. In several chapters, we guide you through basic functionalities of data management, model creation, visualization, stochastic simulation and more.
As Jupyter notebooks, you can use the tutorials interactively or simply view them here online.
Please note: The tutorials are still work-in-progress and are being continuously improved. More chapters are coming soon!
View the tutorials online!
You can simply view all tutorial chapters as static versions online here:
How do I use the tutorials interactively?
To interact with the tutorials notebooks, you will need to have Jupyter Notebook installed, which typically comes with the Anaconda Distribution. For other installation options, visit the Jupyter website.
The tutorial chapters come with every GemPy installation and can be found in the respective tutorial folder. To view and work with them, open the tutorial notebooks in the Jupyter Notebook App, which you can run over the Anaconda Navigator or via the following command:
$ jupyter notebook